Kathy Herrfeldt, Owner, President, Home Care Assistance, Sacramento

I work in the senior industry finding solutions for people who are in need of resources to stay safe and comfortable as they age. This journey often requires access to resources that involve various levels of care to meet the challenges of the aging process. When looking for a trusted resource to help find resources for care outside the home, Senior Care Solutions is without question the best company to work with.

The experienced staff have the knowledge and compassion to understand what is required. They know the resources to recommend in order to keep the client safe and the family comfortable. Carol Kinsel and her staff know the questions to ask and the things to consider, which establishes her agency head and shoulders above any other company in the area. I know that a referral to Senior Care Solutions will result in a very respectful engagement. I am happy to consider Carol and Senior Care Solutions a referral source to my clients.

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Our experienced Family Consultants specialize in assessing individual needs and determining the best resources and solutions.

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